
Using Mutt with Gmail

$ sudo apt-get install ssmtpThere is a single configuration file to be altered: /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf. Below is the required configuration for a Gmail server:
root=Email Address # Your email address
mailhub=smtp.gmail.com:587 # Gmail details
UseSTARTTLS=YES # Send SSL/TLS messages to Gmail
AuthUser=Gmail Username # Your Gmail Username
AuthPass=Gmail Password # Your Gmail Password
rewriteDomain=gmail.com # So the message appears to come from Gmail
FromLineOverride=YES # So the message appears to come from Gmail
hostname=Hostname # Hostname: use hostname -f in a Terminal
$ sudo apt-get install muttmutt configuration (~/.mutt/.muttrc)
# mail check options
set pop_host="pops://name:password@pop.gmail.com:995"
set pop_last
unset pop_delete
# mail send options
set sendmail="~/bin/gmailout"
# check for new mail on startup
exec fetch-mail
Successfully use Mutt with Gmail
using mutt with Gmail

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